About Us

Julie with niece Flora at 'Mare aux Sangliers'

Paolo following his artistic passion
Paolo and Julie Santoro live in the pretty town of Huelgoat (pronounced roughly as 'Wellgwat'), located in the Parc Naturel Regional d'Armorique in the heart of the Monts D'Arree.
Before moving to Brittany in 2007, they lived in Brighton on the south coast of England, Paolo working as a Passenger Service Agent for Alitalia at Gatwick Airport and Julie working for the women's magazine, Glamour, in London. Paolo hails from Bari, on the Adriatic coast of southern Italy, where Julie also worked for three years as Assistant Director of Studies in an English language school.
Paolo is a keen artist and graduated from the Accademia delle Belle Arti in Bari, subsequently working with a group of local painters creating reproductions of old masterpieces (no forgeries!). Both Paolo and Julie are keen countryside walkers and enjoy exploring the beautiful forests of the Parc Naturel Regional d'Armorique. Paolo also loves to fish, particularly sea angling, coarse and predator fishing.
- Max
- Gilbert and Streak